Peter Lorre died at a rather unfortunate time as far as the magazine was concerned. The current issue was already off the press in New York when I realized that we had not tributize the Lord high minister of all that is sinister. The man that chopped off Colin Clive‘s hands in Mad love, and had solved so many mysteries as the oriental detective, Mr. Moto. And seeing on how I got close with him towards the end of his life and saw him perform in the raven directed by Roger Corman, I thought well geeze, I need to put together a little something. Now I don’t claim to be any type of a poet but I put together a few little stanzas that I felt would memorialize the great man with the time I had. I sent it off to press and it made it into the issue of the magazine. Well that was, the biggest mistake I ever made. I got so many angry letters from fans all around the world. Each one stating how could Forry Ackerman throw away Peter Lorre in one measly poem. So every time that poem was mentioned I became the incredible shrinking man. Well it wasn’t until a few months later at a fantasy film screening I was there with Fritz Lang, the man who brought us Metropolis & Siegfried, that magical moment happened. Who would’ve ever of guessed that in attendance was Cecilia lovesky.... She was The first wife and last love, of Peter Lorre. And when I was introduced to her, by Fritz, she looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and said “ OH, Mr. Ackerman, the POEM... I LOVE ZEH, POEM!” Right at that moment I thought to hell the rest of the world Peter Lorre‘s widow love my poem and I screamed vindication!