In most cases, it takes either a full moon or a dose of Tana leaves to bring creepy creatures to life. But here, two
FM readers prove that all it really takes is patience . . . and talent!
From the ages-old dust of an Egyptian tomb he comes ...on a grim mission of death! After centuries of sleep, the moldering remains of Kharis menace the world anew. Following in the footsteps of Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee is young DAVID PERRAS of Centerville, Mass. David used hundreds of yards of game, carefully, applied strips of cotton, and spray paint to transform himself from man to immortal monster.
THE WEREWOLF! Fangs bared, EZRA BARNES of New York City hays at the moon before seeking out a victim. Drawing inspiration from such distinguished men as Henry Hull, Lon Chaney jr, and Oliver Reed, Ezra used crepe hair and nose putty to create his effective makeup. In future editions, THE GRAVEYARD EXAMINER will try to feature as many unusual and creative fan fright-faces as possible. So send us your gruesome goody today!