By Ron Clark
Scream and Scream Again. 1972 Famous Monsters 90
This week I tackled or attempted to tackle Scream and Scream Again which was featured as the cover story for Famous Monsters in May, 1972. This American International release “stars” the three giants of British Horror, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. Stars is a dubious term as though they are top billed their characters are barely seen for most of the run time. Based on pulp novel The Disoriented Man, the movie starts with a nasty sequence where a jogger is abducted drugged and comes to to find his leg amputated (he screams).
Further along in the convoluted film the jogger awakens to find his remaining leg also chopped off (he screams again). I’d really like to hunt down the source material because the filmmakers really botched the plot here which has some truly intriguing elements, a police procedural led by Lee, a Neo-Nazi army led by Cushing and mad scientist Price creating a race of super-humans all wasted with endless chase scenes and visits to discotheques, fulfilling the era cliche of breaking a band in a horror flick, ladies and gentlemen “The Amen Corner”. Worth a look for those of us who dig groovy early 70s thrillers and fans of Hammer’s unholy trinity even if they’re slumming for another studios. Not much else to recommend, killer poster though!